Pickleball in Mount Vernon District of Fairfax Co, VA

Includes Collingwood, Fort Hunt Community Park, Martin Luther King Park (Gum Springs Outdoors), Gum Springs Community Center -Indoors, GW Rec Center (Riverside Elementary), Levelle Dupell Park, Hybla Valley Community Center, Walt Whitman MS/Stephen Foster Park, Belle View Condo Tennis Court, Lorton Community Center

Local Admin Alert

OK, for those who didn't want Hybla Valley being in a different region, it's back in the Mount Vernon District, taking the place of Old Mount Vernon High School, which is under construction.  When it's completed, we'll revisit.


Remember: playtimescheduler.com is for scheduling sessions (games) for others to join, not reserving courts. For it to work well for ALL players, please use it to schedule a session when you're planning to play. ​​​​​

For your health and safety the USA Pickleball Association recommends these guidelines:

  • Eye protection, such as sun or safety glasses 
  • Proper court shoes with good support - not running or slip-on shoes
  • Court free of obstacles such as grass in any cracks or debris
  • Dry courts only for play - wet or damp courts are a slipping hazard
  • Phone and first aid kit handy in case of accidents
  • Hydrate often, especially in hot weather.  Bring at least one bottle of water with you
  • Rest and recuperate if you have an injury before playing again


Pickleball Courts in Mount Vernon District of Fairfax Co

PlayTime Scheduler is a FREE scheduling tool created exclusively for pickleball. Using this site, you will be able to create and join play sessions with other players in the Mount Vernon District of Fairfax Co area. No more endless group texts or emails, or showing up to empty courts! Click the button below to get started.

Belle View Condo Tennis Court
On 10th Street, just south of Belle View Blvd, Alexandria VA 22307
4 Outdoor courts
Nets Provided
Collingwood Park
8200 West Boulevard, Alexandria VA 22308
4 Outdoor courts
Nets Provided
Ft Hunt Community Park (behind Ft. Hunt Elementary School)
8832 Linton Lane, Alexandria VA 22308
4 Outdoor courts
Nets Provided
Gum Springs Community Center -Indoors
8100 Fordson Road, Alexandria VA 22306
2 Indoor courts
Lighted, Nets Provided
GW Rec Center (Riverside Elementary School)
8426 Old Mount Vernon Road, Alexandria VA 22309
6 Outdoor courts
Dedicated, Nets Provided
Hybla Valley Community Center
7950 Audubon Avenue, Alexandria VA 22306
3 Indoor courts
Lighted, Nets Provided
Levelle Dupell Park
6812 Newington Rd, Lorton VA 22079
1 Outdoor courts
Lighted, Nets Provided
Lorton Community Center
9520 Richmond Highway, Alexandria Lorton 22079
2 Indoor courts
Lighted, Nets Provided
Martin Luther King Park (Outdoors at Gum Springs)
8115 Fordson Road, Alexandria VA 22306
4 Outdoor courts
Nets Provided
Walt Whitman MS/Stephen Foster Park
2500 Parkers Lane, Alexandria VA 22306
2 Outdoor courts
Nets Provided
