News > 01/15/2025 > The Story of Us: Origins of PlayTime Scheduler
Human Interest
The Story of Us: Origins of PlayTime Scheduler
In 2016, our founder Reine Steel faced a pickleball dilemma: too many group texts, too few organized games.
As a web developer and avid player, she sketched a solution on a sticky note, and PlayTime Scheduler was born.
What started as a local tool for 200 Sacramento players has grown into a global hub for 380,000 players in 57 countries, logging over 1.6 million sessions at 13,000+ venues—no endless group text chains required.
The Kitchen recently spoke with Reine to sketch out an origin story of how PlayTime Scheduler went from sticky note to a literally game-changing community connection tool.

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USSP + PlayTime SchedulerThe Story of Us: Origins of PlayTime SchedulerPaddle Pointers:
SportsEd TV – Reset EffectivelyWorld of Pickleball: Discover the Ultimate Pickleball ExperienceSpotted on the Scheduler:
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