News > 07/31/2024 > PlayTime Scheduler Tips & Tricks:All About Messaging
Tips & Tricks

PlayTime Scheduler Tips & Tricks:
All About Messaging

PlayTime Scheduler allows you to send private email messages to both individuals and groups. Your ability to email other users depends on your user level and session attendance status. This can sometimes be a little confusing, so hopefully the following explanation will help clear things up.

Regional Admins can send a group email to all registered users in their region, all recently active users, or to custom targeted groups. PlayTime Scheduler monitors these emails and maintains strict policies about their content (no spam, advertising, etc).

Power Users can email any individual attendee on any session, past or present. They cannot, however, email groups of attendees unless they are also attending that particular session.

Premium and Free Users can only email individuals and groups on sessions they are attending.

If a session is invite-only, and you click the Send Email button to email the group, you will have a choice of Attendees, Invitees, or Invitees Not Yet Attending.

If a session has a waitlist, you will have the choice whether or not to include waitlisters when emailing attendees.

We care about your privacy! Your email address is never revealed to anyone using the website, including your local admins. In addition, all individual and group messages are logged. If a user is found to be sending messages that do not meet our Code of Conduct, they will be warned and/or banned from the site.

Included in our soon-to-be-launched mobile app — In-app messaging and notifications! We’ve heard you loud and clear – many folks are not using email as much as they used to (especially those who are lucky enough to be retired). When our iOs/Android app is released, you will have the option to turn off emails and do all your messaging from within the app. Pretty cool!