News > 08/20/2021 > Community Hero: Miguel De Campos, Regional Admin
Community Hero

Community Hero: Miguel De Campos, Regional Admin

Miguel was one of our very first regional admins when he created the Seattle, Washington region back in 2019. Seattle remains one of our most active regions with 134 court locations and nearly 2,000 users

Here's what he had to say about being a regional admin.

When did you first join as a regional admin?
I had heard about PlayTime Scheduler through the grape vines when Reine first released it for a single location in California.  It looked like just what we needed for the greater Seattle area where we have courts spread across over a hundred locations.  As soon as Reine released PlayTime Scheduler to the whole world, I signed up.
What do you think is the most rewarding part of being a regional admin?
It is amazing to see how fast the number of registered users is growing. Wow! 

What’s the biggest challenge?
At first, some people will think that PlayTime Scheduler is a court reservation system. They will quickly learn that it is not.  Other than that, there is no challenge, really. PlayTime Scheduler is so well designed, it pretty much runs itself. 

What advice would you give to someone wanting to start their own region as a regional admin?
Do it!  It is very easy.