Ad Specs
- Web/Email Ads: 600 x 150px (PNG or JPG, 72dpi)
- Pop-Up Ads: 800 x 800px (PNG or JPG, 72dpi)
- Font Size: All fonts should be at least 18pt to ensure legibility on mobile devices
- Ad Rotation: You may provide up to 3 different images of each size for rotation (total of 6 ads)
- Click-Through URL: Each ad will link to your requested URL
- Option 1: One large image (800 x 800px, PNG or JPG, 72dpi)
- Option 2: Combination of image and text (800 x 400px image with a separate paragraph of text, 100 words max)
- CTA Button: URL of your preferred destination
- Logo: 350 x 150px (PNG or JPG, 72dpi)
- Profile Page: 1–2 paragraphs of text
- CTA Button: URL of your preferred destination
- Please send separate files for images and text
- Images: 800px wide (any length)
- Text: Can be in an email, Word doc, etc, rather than already formatted HTML code.
- Optional: You can also send a mockup (JPG or HTML page) to show us what the email should look like.
Mobile App - Popups
Displayed during natural pause-points when user is more likely to engage.

Mobile App - Embedded Ads
Click on screenshot to play video.
The same ad is repeated 3 times – no competing ads are displayed.
Desktop Website - Embedded Ads
Prominent placement in header. Only a single sponsor's ad is displayed at one time.

Notification Emails - Embedded Ads
Only one ad is featured in each email.

Email Newsletter - Feature
(800x800px image only or 800x400px image with copy)
Click here to see an example of a past newsletter

Website - Permanent News Article
(800x800px image only or 800x400px image with copy)
Your newsletter feature will also permanently live in the News section of our website.

Preferred Partner
Includes logo and profile page in our Preferred Partners section.
In addition, only Preferred Partners' ads are shown on our home page.